A Foreshadowing with a Reading and Writing Reblog

Sometimes, you just need a minute to collect yourself when you're in the middle of a reset for your creative outlet. And, that was me last week. I just needed a moment, so forgive me for being MIA. Been doing some soul-searching, simplifying, and prioritizing. But, I'm back this week with a more focused determination … Continue reading A Foreshadowing with a Reading and Writing Reblog

Reading to Develop Skills (Other Than Reading)

Inevitably, you're going to develop your reading skills while you read. But, I don't want to discuss reading skills today, per se. What I'd like to do is go a little bit further and a little bit deeper on the benefits of reading to gain knowledge and, then, discuss applying that knowledge in order to … Continue reading Reading to Develop Skills (Other Than Reading)

Incentivizing the Reader: Having Reading Options is Fundamental

No matter the age, having reading options is one key component in keeping reading fresh and alive in the reader's mind. Because human beings are very unique in the ways in which we effectively and efficiently absorb information, it would make sense that readers should be given opportunities to read that information in the way … Continue reading Incentivizing the Reader: Having Reading Options is Fundamental

Incentivizing the Young Reader: Have You Tried Reading Aloud with Your Child/Student?

Let me start out by saying that "reading out loud" is not every person's cup of tea. In fact, there are those individuals who downright hate oral reading. And for some, it can be a real phobia. So, I'm not suggesting a one size fits all approach to incentivizing the young learner in your life. … Continue reading Incentivizing the Young Reader: Have You Tried Reading Aloud with Your Child/Student?

Incentivizing Children to Read by Identifying What Motivates Them

INCENTIVIZING. Such an interesting word that can mean different things to different people, or even different things to the same person. Like me. I'm of the mind that "incentives" are subjective, because something that incentivizes one person may not necessarily incentivize the next person in line. Let's face it. Cindy might really look forward to … Continue reading Incentivizing Children to Read by Identifying What Motivates Them

Incentivizing the Reader and Writer Series

There's a new blogging series on the horizon and it will be fondly referred to as "Incentivizing the Reader and Writer". Yes, I just couldn't help myself. I'm venturing into a new foray of fun-loving blogging -- all with the reader and writer in mind. And that's the reader and writer of all ages (just … Continue reading Incentivizing the Reader and Writer Series

Reblog – When You Don’t Know What to Blog About

Today, I'm coming to you with a handy-dandy replay. Yes, I have a reblog treat for you. And I thought it was particularly fitting because I'm actually experiencing the events of this blog post this fine day. Every once in a while, I do. It's the weirdest thing, too. The phenomenon I'm currently experiencing has … Continue reading Reblog – When You Don’t Know What to Blog About

Blogging Truths Be Told: 5 Places to Find Blogging Inspiration (Part 1)

So, I have to admit right off the bat that the inspiration for today's "Blogging Truths Be Told" totally came from last week's post, entitled Blogging Truths Be Told: You Won’t Always Feel Inspired. Please give it a read (if you haven't done so already), and then wholeheartedly delve into today's content. Checking out the prelude … Continue reading Blogging Truths Be Told: 5 Places to Find Blogging Inspiration (Part 1)

The Secret to Getting Your Written Words on the Page – Part 2

This blog post is a continuation of a post published on March 16, 2021, entitled The Secret to Getting Your Written Words on the Page. And since this follow-up post has been a long time in coming, I'm going to get right to the chase. I'm going to address those strategies I've observed others utilizing and … Continue reading The Secret to Getting Your Written Words on the Page – Part 2