Family Responsibilities Come Before Content Marketing Every Time

I contemplated whether or not I would go ahead and publish this post or just wait until this coming Friday, but I just couldn't help myself. It's difficult to let huge gaps of time go by without visiting with you and letting my writing therapy do its inner healing. Truly, I count it a privilege … Continue reading Family Responsibilities Come Before Content Marketing Every Time

Knowing Thy Platform and Niching Down

I ain't even gonna lie, folks! It's so difficult keeping up with all the platforms that content creators have to manage when trying to get the word out that they exist. I'm definitely not into a pity party mode, but I am into expressing the reality of what I'm currently experiencing in trying to grow … Continue reading Knowing Thy Platform and Niching Down

Reflection: Life and the Human Connection

I can't y'all. I just can't let another day go by without pouring out what's been on my heavy heart to share. Yesterday, I remember stating that I was just sooooooooooo tired of crying. It seems like I've been practically crying all week thus far . . . crying for peoples' pain points, their hurts, … Continue reading Reflection: Life and the Human Connection

Reblog – My Top 10 Times/Places for Generating New Ideas

Now, here's a reblog that isn't an oldie but it is a goodie, in my humble opinion. Meaning . . . I originally posted it on December 31, 2019 (not too terribly long ago), and it didn't get much attention. Hmmm . . . I wonder why? Well, the last day of the year has … Continue reading Reblog – My Top 10 Times/Places for Generating New Ideas